Welcome To JCC Business Solutions

Are you looking for help with any of these?

Why work with me?


Start Up Experience


Growth Management


Areas of Expertise


Ok I’m interested, what will the process look like?

Option 1:

One Time Business Analysis and Review

1. Initial Discussion - This is where we will make sure that it seems like a good fit for both parties. If I don’t feel like I can provide any value to you and/or help you achieve your goals, I won’t take a dollar from you. This is typically a 30 to 60-minute casual conversation.
2. Discovery - Deep dive into your goals and the areas that you are wanting to improve in.
3. Review/Conclusion - Review all findings together and build an action plan to put things in place to achieve your goals.

Option 2:

Ongoing Support

This will have all of the same components as the One Time Business Analysis and Review, but will be structured in more of a continuous conversation to help with daily, weekly, or monthly issues. Identifying some of the low hanging fruit is important, but so is constant improvement and strategizing.

What to expect?

My approach will always be straight forward and direct. I want to make sure that you get as much as you can out of this, and that requires clearly communicating potential areas of opportunity, even if it’s something you might not want to hear. 

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